DC Universe figures
Select the class that you really like
One of the biggest problems I've seen people is that they choose a class, because it close a lot of buzz surrounding area. If this
happens, you will not know at the end, if you really like the class. Each of these different classes based on the mechanics and how they
play, so if you play yourself or with a stick that you can not really be too much then things would not unfold properly.
Get all your skills - and your enemies
If you do not know what you do with your character, so you're as good as dead. The best tip I can give you is to learn what skills you
have and you learn when you should use them. In the optimum case, you are able to keep itself alive and doing a lot of damage while
they are able to take full control of the situation. Sure, it's not always so, but have a good idea of what they will do at the right time to
improve significantly.
Also, how good is knowing what your skills are as important to know what to do your opponents. I spoke in PVP and PVE (Player
versus Player and Player versus Environment). You should know what they can do to know when to react, and what their effect through
the meter.