Mount and Blade War | Mount and Blade with fire and sword | Mods for Mount and Blade

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Mount and Blade Warband
Mount and Blade War

The war came down on Calradia and interesting group to adjust its war. Mercenaries, cutthroats, knights and adventurers flood into the country in search of adventure, fortune and glory. But war is a taskmaster. Provides death and the pain went to a fortune, many of the chosen few, and glory, wise men say, not to exist. However, men ride to war, for one reason or another. Some because they are looking for thrill and excitement, some because they are desperate and know no other way. Some because they are so bitter and hateful that they are willing to unleash the fate of Earth.

Mount and Blade
 Mount and Blade with fire and sword

• The introduction of firearms and combat formations.
• Finish the game with more characters and found the end of many possibilities!
• lay siege to your enemies to storm the castle, climbing wall, bribe officials or poison the water supply to overcome the enemy!
• 7 new multiplayer maps: Field nomadic fortress of the Kremlin in Moscow, Novgorod Fortress, Swedish Castle.
• a new multiplayer game "Captain." Mode Up to 16 players, each controlling a squad of soldiers.

System Requirements:
• Operating system: Windows XP SP2 / Vista (32 bit) / Windows 7
• Processor: 2.1 GHz or higher
• RAM: 1 GB
• Video: Video Card (128 MB or +) • Sound: DirectX 9 compatible sound card
• Hard disk: 900 MB
• DirectX 9.0 or later
• Controller: 3-button mouse, keyboard and speakers

mount and blade wiki
Mods for Mount and Blade

Beta M & B will take place in the next two weeks and will end August 25, 2008. The final will be available for PCs through retail September 16, 2008, in North America and September 19, 2008, in Europe. Mount & Blade is a RPG action first / third person which occurs during the Middle Ages. When the game starts you will be asked to create a character to explore the lands of Calradia. No need to worry if the physical characteristics of your character starts to get on the nerves' cause the face and hair can be changed at any time. After being created, you customize your character with the attributes to include higher side as mercantilism, archery, armor and cavalry forces. Games tend to rely on work as a unit instead of the traditional male role of a soldier. Combat is affected by the type of soil you happen to be after the conflict began. Adverse weather conditions like rain, fog, snow, and help or hurt you in the long term. Like most strategy games of the units each have strengths and weaknesses to be found. The key to the victory of the horse to use to gain an advantage in battle. To win every battle you are given the option of taking the enemy soldiers who have died and convert them to your side or sell them as slaves. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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